Monday, July 20, 2020

Herbs - the beginner's 11 easily grown herbs

Herbs are among the easiest to grow and a good beginner's plant. They fit in the pot, the kitchen area, the herb garden and are so beautiful that it is possible to mix them into the fine flower beds. Here are some selected favorites.

Lemon balm  -  self-propagating spice plant

Lemon balm is a perennial spice plant. A grateful herb that spreads with shoots and seeds. It has no major requirements for its growing place. Lemon balm, also known as "the joy of the heart", has a fresh lemon flavor. Perfect for fish, salad, eggs, soothing tea and decoration for pastries. Put some fresh leaves in the water brine as a seasoning.

What is flower essence therapy?

 Flower therapy is a form of alternative healing that is achieved through the use of vibration medication. This unique practice is designed ...