Monday, July 20, 2020

Herbs - the beginner's 11 easily grown herbs

Herbs are among the easiest to grow and a good beginner's plant. They fit in the pot, the kitchen area, the herb garden and are so beautiful that it is possible to mix them into the fine flower beds. Here are some selected favorites.

Lemon balm  -  self-propagating spice plant

Lemon balm is a perennial spice plant. A grateful herb that spreads with shoots and seeds. It has no major requirements for its growing place. Lemon balm, also known as "the joy of the heart", has a fresh lemon flavor. Perfect for fish, salad, eggs, soothing tea and decoration for pastries. Put some fresh leaves in the water brine as a seasoning.

Dragon  -  the stately spice plant

Dragon is a perennial spice plant that grows 60-80 cm tall. There are both French and Russian dragons. French tarragon has a much better taste but is not as hardy as Russian. Dragon is mostly used fresh, but can also be frozen. The little licorice tone in the dragon marries nicely with fish, eggs, chicken and lamb. Try putting a tarragon twig in the vinegar bottle. It is also a classic spice in both hollandaise and béarnaise sauce.

Candy - the more unusual herb

Syndel is available as both annual and perennial (summer and winter savory). Not so common anymore in modern kitchen gardens, but was a must in older herb gardens. It will be 15-30 cm high. Kyndel, like most herbs, wants to stand in heat and sun, with well-drained soil. The taste is mildly peppery, and is suitable for dishes with beans, peas, cabbage, especially fried dishes.

Thyme - spice plant with variety 

Thyme is also a perennial spice plant that grows 10-20 cm tall. A drought-resistant and beautiful ground cover on dry soil. Can be grown in rocky areas in full sun, or in pots that are not watered as often. Thyme is available in many different flavors and variations, so feel free to try planting several varieties of, for example, garden thyme and lemon thyme. The garden thyme is suitable for game, pasta, potatoes, soups and herbal teas. Varieties are sensitive to harsh winters and bare frost, so feel free to cover with leaves or spruce twigs.

Lovage  -  hysteresis among herbs

Perennial, stately easily grown spice plant that can grow up to 2 m tall. Unlike most other herbs, thistle thrives in nutrient-rich, moist soil and preferably in partial shade. Stinging nettle has an intensely spicy aroma and taste. But the taste can take over, so use it extremely sparingly. Fresh leaves are added to soups, stews and salads. Also suitable for flavoring schnapps.

Basilica thrives indoors

Basil is an annual herb in Sweden if you grow it outdoors. It is available in many flavors and with different color and shape of the leaves. Basil grows 20-30 cm high and thrives best in a wind-protected and warm location with even moisture in the soil. Perfect to grow in a greenhouse, and you can advantageously grow it indoors in a pot where it is bright. Basil is sensitive to frost, so do not plant out until the risk of frost is over. Eat fresh and go perfectly with tomato and mozzarella salad, herb sauces, pesto and Asian dishes. Try growing basil from cuttings !

Mint  -  loved and hated spice plant

Coins are perennial plants with very good spreading ability. Since they spread easily with underground shoots, it should be grown with some type of root barrier, such as a buried bucket without a bottom. Grow in a separate pallet collar or in a pot. Then the coins are no longer a problem and you can instead replace the weed stamp for appreciation. There are a plethora of varieties and species. Feel free to grow several for variation in taste and appearance. Mint is suitable for herbal teas and for seasoning salads, sauces, lamb dishes and chilled drinks such as smoothies. Can be both dried and frozen. Decorate pastries and desserts or toss in a sprig of mint in the water carafe.

King mint  -  beautiful shrub

King mint is a perennial half-shrub that grows 30-40 cm tall. It is sometimes called "Nordic oregano". King mint spreads easily with shoots and seeds, and is found in the wild in several parts of Sweden. But it is not a troublesome weed, but is easy to keep up with. Much appreciated by butterflies, bumblebees and bees. King mint can be used as oregano, as the classic pizza spice, but is also good for lamb, soups, herbal teas and in bread. Retains the taste well as dried.

Parsley  -  both curly and smooth

Parsley, together with dill, is our most common fresh herbs and there are both curly and smooth-leaved parsley. Parsley is a biennial plant that gives the best harvest in the first year. In really hot and drained places, it can also become perennial. The second year, parsley blooms and can then sow itself. Can be used fresh in almost all dishes, in salads and as a garnish. You do not dry parsley, but it is good to freeze.

Rosemary  - a  spice plant for pots

Rosemary is a perennial spice and half-shrub, with fantastic taste and aroma. It is a drought-resistant sun lover that has been surrounded by mystery since ancient times. As it is not winter-hardy throughout Sweden, it can advantageously be grown in a pot and lifted in and out according to the season. Winters light and frost-free. Rosemary is suitable for dishes with lamb, chicken, pickles with feta cheese or as a seasoning for vinegar.

Salvia - spice with beautiful foliage

Salva is a perennial half-shrub that grows 40-50 cm tall. If the plant is wintered in the garden, it should be cut in half in the spring to avoid a rough impression. Sage is both fine as an edge plant and in a flowerbed, where several plants together create an effect. Plant together with roses and lavender or under the giant verbena. As it is a semi-hardy spice plant, it can be grown in a pot. Suitable for dishes with meat, poultry and tomatoes, pasta, beans and feta cheese. Try frying sage leaves as an accessory.

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