Wednesday, March 2, 2022

What is flower essence therapy?

 Flower therapy is a form of alternative healing that is achieved through the use of vibration medication. This unique practice is designed to treat the body with energy to create balance and has been used for many years. It is especially popular in Chinese medicine. Vibration medicine is believed to affect both cell health and emotional well-being.

Flower essences can be used alone or with other healing methods, depending on the specific problem and the practitioner. Essences are infusions made from flowers and water. It is important to note that flower essences are not the same as herbal tinctures or essential oils, which are usually intended to cure physical ailments. The essence is usually odorless, unlike the perfume-like aroma of most essential oils.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Grow spices and vegetables

 In February - March, it's time to start with the very first seeds! Some of the best kitchen plants must be grown indoors to produce a harvest during the summer. An alternative is to buy ready-made plants later this spring, but then you miss the exciting cultivation. To first put the seeds in moist sowing soil, set the seeds warm and wait. Watch them day by day until suddenly one day sprouts!

Then the seeds should be cared for with a lot of light, not too much heat and an even humidity so they stay chubby and green. Sowing is done in poorly fertilized sowing soil; S-soil 50 l which has a mixture of fluffy white perlite grains that make the soil extra airy and loose. Or Sowing soil that is fine-grained dark soil with extra sand so that small seeds get both air and moisture when they germinate.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Grow your own herbs

 Fresh herbs enhance both food and health! How to grow your own.

  • Beginner?

    Invest in hardy herbs such as oregano, tarragon, thyme, lemon balm, sage and rosemary.

  • From the grocery store

    Herbs you buy in the grocery store are perfect to eat here and now, but they are not adapted to last all summer. If you want to prolong the life of the herb - replant the herb in a larger pot with flower soil, cut it down and add some nutrition once a week.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Herbs at menopause

 Let's go through some plants and their effects at menopause.

Dong Quai (angelica sinensis)

Dong quai is also called Chinese watercress in Swedish. It is a Chinese herb that is also easy to get in Sweden. It has been used for thousands of years for various women's ailments. A nutritious herb with minerals and antioxidants. Which has a strengthening effect on the liver, which of course is a central organ because it is, among other things, where the estrogen is broken down.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

What is a medicinal plant?

 Medicinal plant is a collective name for edible plants that are found in nature or are grown and used for their nutrients and / or medicinal effects. Dear children have many names and other names that are used interchangeably are herbs, medicinal plants and edible plants.

An edible plant thus means a plant that is not toxic for humans to consume. Wild edible plants include all plants in nature which can be used both as food but also as medicine, for example from their leaves, flowers, roots, leaves and stems. Medicinal plants include these wild plants but also those grown. However, there is no clear definition of what a medicinal plant is.

The terms medicinal plant, herb, medicinal plant and edible plant are thus used interchangeably, where they refer to the same plants. Botanically, there is a difference between these concepts, but in everyday speech the terms are used interchangeably and synonymously. For example, thyme can be referred to as an herb as it is used as a spice in the kitchen but also as a medicinal or medicinal plant, among other things for its expectorant properties.

Monday, April 5, 2021

Plant in a pot

Florists and garden stores are full of beautiful summer flowers. Here are some tips on how to think about when to choose plants and then to plant.

Be creative with plantings

With the help of annual summer flowers, it is easy to try different styles in swings and pots. Here we have collected tips on how to think to get beautiful balanced plantings.

Take advantage of height differences

Get the height of the planting with a large plant in the middle or in the background. Place half-tall plants around the tallest plant and plant low and wide-growing or hanging plants at the far end. In an elongated planting box, it can be more interesting to put a taller plant closer to one end. If you want to create a feeling of depth, you can plant a lower, flowering plant behind an airy, tall grass or similar. Climbing flowers provide height and background for other plants. Hanging plants fit in tall pots, swings and balcony boxes.

The beautiful Phytonutrients

 One of my latest favorites in the medical world is Dr. Sherry Rogers. I got to read her some articles by Peter Wilhelmsson who has known her for the past 30 years.

In April, she published an article about the power of nature packaged in plants and known to us mortals as food. It's so well written that I could not help but share it here:

I feel frustrated when I am surrounded by people who are completely unaware if they have more control over their health than any doctor in the world. Not when I read my molecular biochemistry journals and see how amazing scientists must be 10 times more frustrated. For example. An article in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry was placed at the back of the publication. I have no idea how many actually read but it seemed much less understood was it. But here I'm making sure you do. Want to know what it was all about?

What is flower essence therapy?

 Flower therapy is a form of alternative healing that is achieved through the use of vibration medication. This unique practice is designed ...