Medicinal plant is a collective name for edible plants that are found in nature or are grown and used for their nutrients and / or medicinal effects. Dear children have many names and other names that are used interchangeably are herbs, medicinal plants and edible plants.
An edible plant thus means a plant that is not toxic for humans to consume. Wild edible plants include all plants in nature which can be used both as food but also as medicine, for example from their leaves, flowers, roots, leaves and stems. Medicinal plants include these wild plants but also those grown. However, there is no clear definition of what a medicinal plant is.
The terms medicinal plant, herb, medicinal plant and edible plant are thus used interchangeably, where they refer to the same plants. Botanically, there is a difference between these concepts, but in everyday speech the terms are used interchangeably and synonymously. For example, thyme can be referred to as an herb as it is used as a spice in the kitchen but also as a medicinal or medicinal plant, among other things for its expectorant properties.